Frequently Asked Questions
The School at Open Space has three sessions per year: Fall (SEP - FEB), Spring (FEB - JUN), Summer (JUL - AUG). Please see our schedule page for a list of holidays and school closure dates.
The curriculum for each level is designed to be implemented for both Fall and Spring Sessions. Dancers will benefit most from taking consistent classes from September through June. We highly encourage dancers to begin at the start of Fall Session in order to maintain the pace of the class.
However, enrollment is open on a rolling basis if the class is not at full capacity. Dancers who join the Little Artists Division mid-year should be able to easily acclimate to the class as the curriculum is designed to serve children of similar ages and skill levels. Students who enroll when classes are already in session will receive prorated tuition amounts contingent on their start date. In the Spring Session, enrollment closes 6 weeks prior to the Little Artists Showcase.
Tuition pricing covers one full session of classes(17 weeks). All classes except for Space Tots are eligible for a monthly payment plan that divides the total tuition up over 5 installments. Monthly payments are not billed per each class/month. Rather, they are an even division of the total tuition for one session.
There is a 10% sibling discount for families with more than one student enrolled in a session. The discount is applied to each student’s total tuition during checkout.
We believe that every child should be allowed access to a home for dance. Tuition scholarships are available for families who need financial support in order to attend classes at The School at Open Space.
Please email theschool@openspace.dance for a financial aid application.
Makeup Classes
Dancers are permitted to attend makeup classes within their level or classes below their age group throughout the session. We do not hold makeup classes for classes canceled due to weather. However, dancers are invited to attend a makeup class outside of their regularly scheduled class should they be unable to attend class due to weather or illness.
To schedule a makeup class, email theschool@openspace.dance.
There are two opportunities for performance per school year. In the Fall Session, dancers in Levels 3 - 6 are invited to audition for children’s roles in The Company at Open Space’s professional production of The NOT-Cracker. There is an additional performance/rehearsal fee and NOT-Cracker rehearsals are held separately from curriculum classes.
In the Spring Session, all Little Artists Division and Young Artists Division students have the opportunity to perform in a fully produced showcase in June. There is an additional performance fee in addition to Spring Session tuition for dancers who wish to participate. This fee covers costume rentals, theater rental, technical staff and the necessary additional faculty hours. The School at Open Space does not profit from the Spring Showcases. Rehearsals will be minimal and held during regularly scheduled classes. 6 weeks prior to the showcase, an emphasis on showcase preparation will have a strong impact on class content.