Raised of $25,000
Number of Backers
Ways to Support
Contribute Directly:
Contributions or gifts to OPEN SPACE LLC are not tax deductible. Any contributions received shall be considered gifts to OPEN SPACE LLC, which is a for profit corporation. Contributors will not receive any goods or services in exchange for their gifts. At the discretion of OPEN SPACE, gifts received will be used to cover OPEN SPACE start up costs and artist wages.
Continue your Support!
Build a floor: $5,000
Light our Space: $1,500
Build out tech: $2,000
Sponsor an artist: $1,500
Fund live shows: $5,000
Start-Up Costs: $10,000
Total Goal: $25,000
Our Goals
My Dear Dance Community,
In this time of pause and uncertainty we can't stop moving, making and sharing. Creating an arts organization is difficult enough, and doing so during a pandemic presents it’s own set of challenges. With your support, I am ready to work my hardest so that Open Space provides the community the creative outlet we all need during these challenging times. The space is open to you and for you to make it whatever it wants to be. So let's be bold, move together and embrace this dream of bringing this open space to life!
Franco Nieto